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Apr 4, 2007
17 years 20 days * GetRevision.cpp: make font size for revision action a bit bigger
17 years 20 days * don't try to get STDERR if the process object has not yet been created
17 years 20 days * added QtTest support files, now building unit tests should be easy
17 years 20 days * CommitRevision.h/.cpp/.ui: removed possibility to select files or
17 years 21 days * InventoryItem.cpp: reorderd the state detection: at first the old state,
17 years 21 days * always chop off the last character from input retrieved from get_option
Apr 3, 2007
17 years 21 days * WorkspaceCreator.h/.cpp: derived from FileExporter, exports files from
17 years 22 days * disabled rename and drag'n'drop support until we've figured out how
17 years 22 days * new function getRevisionCerts which exactly does what it promises to do
17 years 22 days * updated TODO
Apr 2, 2007
17 years 22 days * Dialog.h/.cpp: its now possible to make a dialog window the top-level win
17 years 22 days * added QtXml and QtNetwork to set of needed Qt libs, but there is yet more
17 years 22 days * added new application update dialog which parses the appcast data
Apr 1, 2007
17 years 24 days * About.h/.cpp: global version string
17 years 24 days added support for multiple file/folder selections (determines the minimum
Mar 30, 2007
17 years 26 days * moved IDEAS and TODO into notes/
17 years 26 days * InventoryItem.cpp: and yet another valid state: 'D I'
Mar 29, 2007
17 years 26 days * oops, actually there is an other valid state, 'R I', which didn't get
17 years 27 days merge of '4e8c7deb190e9334a3ccade29d7db1ec1f277e6b'
Mar 28, 2007
17 years 27 days * notes/status-writeup.ods: an open document spreadsheet which should

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