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Feb 11, 2007
17 years 8 months updated German translation
17 years 8 months wired checkout dialog into Database menu and put in some directory checks,
17 years 8 months resetted StdioBufferSize
Feb 10, 2007
17 years 9 months * MonotoneDelegate: new method "resolveSelector(selector)"
17 years 9 months changed argument order in ctor for branches (always the parent object first)
17 years 9 months * added Alt modifier to view options to avoid problems with input fields in
17 years 9 months * fixed a bug concerning the parsing of hunks containing 0 bytes payload
17 years 9 months propagate from branch 'net.venge.monotone.guitone' (head ee9e36171c19b0129ce0084c6b6b5f989b280a23)
17 years 9 months * added some static methods to MonotoneDelegate which fire automate commands
17 years 9 months propagate from branch 'net.venge.monotone.guitone' (head b7dd5951c880768fd72e68d897ff4cd544cf9578)
Feb 9, 2007
17 years 9 months * relocated some classes from model/ to monotone/, where they fit better
17 years 9 months * added first version of update workspace dialog, beside that one can open
17 years 9 months * display the key generation dialog also document modal (the key list
17 years 9 months * renamed SwitchWorkspaceRevision to SelectRevision
17 years 9 months * updated German translation
Feb 8, 2007
17 years 9 months * moved window movement code from Guitone to MainWindow, since we're
Feb 7, 2007
17 years 9 months * use a QStackWidget instead of throwing all widgets into one layout
17 years 9 months * Inventory: made getBranchName and friends static methods, because that is
17 years 9 months * do not delete this; in quit() since this will segfault in some internal
Feb 6, 2007
17 years 9 months * removed lupdate from - I'm sick of it producing a change on

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