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Sep 24, 2007
16 years 6 months * this is no longer needed, code went into MonotoneThread and the rest will probably go into MonotoneUtil
Sep 28, 2007
16 years 6 months * MonotoneUtil has been reworked for synchronous commands and compiles, yay!
Sep 30, 2007
16 years 6 months * each thread gets a thread number assigned, which helps to identify
16 years 6 months * added machinery to handle the signals coming from the MonotoneThread
16 years 6 months * first model class converted to use the new AutomateCommand machinery
16 years 6 months * support for the taskAborted signal for synchronous commands
16 years 6 months * adapted 0.6.4's interface version comparison here
16 years 6 months * converted for new MonotoneTask usage
16 years 6 months * tabs to spaces
16 years 6 months * meh.. we still need a helper object, otherwise our nice multiple
16 years 6 months * Branches model converted for new thread usage
16 years 6 months * tabs to spaces, const'ified a couple of parameters and inlined getters
Oct 1, 2007
16 years 6 months * another model class converted
16 years 6 months * forgot to catch-all other non-zero return codes for select
16 years 6 months * and another one done
16 years 6 months * removed signal/slot connections with unknown parent, made signals not
16 years 6 months * make internal cert storage protected, so subclasses can use it
16 years 6 months * Changeset.*: removed, incorporated into ChangesetModel
16 years 6 months * another model converted, last one for tonight
Oct 7, 2007
16 years 6 months * AutomateCommand.h: accessor for dbPath

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