This policy has been suggested on the monotone-debian list 2010-12-26
Rule 1: All uploads to unstable shall be revisions from the branch org.debian.monotone, with a tag of the form debian-monotone-${upstream_version}-${upload}.
Rule 2: All changelog entries from the branch org.debian.monotone shall contain the keyword "unstable" as the target. (This implies that "UNRELEASED" is hereby forbidden; tags suffice to distinguish uploaded revisions).
Rule 3: All uploads to testing-proposed-updates or stable-proposed-updates (this includes backports) shall be revisions From the branch org.debian.monotone.${Debian-release} specific to the target release.
Rule 4: The releases "testing", "unstable" and "stable" shall NOT have a branch. Rationale: the "unstable" branch is org.debian.monotone; "testing" and "stable" really mean different things at different times, so the permanent release keywords are preferred, i.e. etch, lenny, squeeze, wheezy, etc.
Rule 5: The creation of any future sub-branch is subject to three conditions:
5.1: prior approval from the other co-maintainers;
5.2: a rationale (i.e. a reason for not merging immediately into org.debian.monotone), documented in an email to this list;
5.3: a policy explaining what is accepted into this branch, documented in an email to this list.
Transition to this policy (date 2010-12-26)
All sub-branches except for org.debian.monotone.for-mtn-1.0 are suspended. If you would like to resurrect any of the suspended branches or create new ones, see rule 5.
Revision 1bdc98ae702f92234d39cf2238273da5371615ce is approved into branch org.debian.monotone and will upload from there.
The branch org.debian.monotone.for-mtn-1.0 has the following rationale and policy:
Rationale: Debian Squeeze being frozen, uploads of monotone 1.0 to unstable are disallowed. Packaging for monotone 1.0 will therefore take place in this sub-branch until Debian Squeeze is released and uploads to unstable are allowed again. In the mean time, uploads to experimental can take place from this branch, at the maintainers' discretion.
all changelog entries shall contain the keyword "experimental" instead of "unstable".
after Debian Squeeze is released, this branch shall be merged into org.debian.monotone and future changelog entries shall contain the keyword "unstable", per rule 2.
the packaging of any version of monotone other than 1.0 is forbidden from this branch.
This policy also applies to org.debian.monotone-viz and org.debian.usher, though no sub-branches of these exist yet.