
Issue 187: warning: QSslSocket: cannot call unresolved function d2i_X509

Reported by Richard Hopkins, Sep 13, 2011

Steps to reproduce the problem:
1. Checkout net.venge.monotone with monotone
2. Modify README in any way, such as add some lines to the end
3. Open net.venge.monotone workspace in guitone

Expected result:
The Workspace window appears showing all of the files, and README 
with a status of modified

Actual result:

System and version information:
Windows XP SP3, standard releases of monotone 1, guitone 1rc5

Comment 1 by Thomas Keller, Sep 13, 2011

The SSL error most likely origins from missing OpenSSL binaries - 
not that I forgot to package these. Are libeay32.dll and 
ssleay32.dll available in the installation directory?

The cause of the actual crash itself is unfortunately not shown in 
the log. Could you please raise the log verbosity to debug (needs a 
debug build) or alternatively run it under gdb (cygwin needed here 

Sorry that I'm not of much help here, the guitone support lacks 
quite a bit. I have tons of other stuff to do at the moment...

Created: 13 years 4 months ago by Richard Hopkins

Updated: 13 years 4 months ago

Status: New

Followed by: 1 person


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