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Apr 16, 2008
16 years 3 months merge of '36be8f3486dab1cfa0e35c39e11644478987164d'
16 years 3 months * first attempt to calculate an asciik-style revision graph - it compiles,
16 years 3 months * no need for a heap-stored cert list here; make the certsRead signal
Apr 15, 2008
16 years 3 months * set the visibility of the panel windows earlier to false to avoid a
16 years 3 months * NEWS: noted the recent changes
16 years 3 months * MonotoneThread.cpp: even if the mtn process hasn't started yet we should
Apr 14, 2008
16 years 3 months * MonotoneManager.h/cpp: new method getThreadByNumber()
Apr 8, 2008
16 years 3 months * NEWS: note win32 installer
16 years 3 months * monotone_db.ico: new win32 file icon for monotone databases
16 years 3 months merge of 'ace3140109bcd98c2aeb7719af6ca8fa521e3457'
16 years 3 months * guitone.bmp: an ugly bitmap as background for the win32 installer
Apr 6, 2008
16 years 3 months * merge fixup
16 years 3 months propagate from branch 'net.venge.monotone.guitone.releases.0_7' (head dc63969abd55bcc7e885210a09eda563609a2e7b)
Apr 5, 2008
16 years 3 months * MonotoneManager.h/cpp: add a boolean to disable the upper-bound
16 years 3 months * KeyManagement.h/cpp: a few fixes to let the context menu pop up again;
Mar 17, 2008
16 years 4 months * use QProcess' ::execute rather than ::startDetached (the latter is stupid
16 years 4 months merge of '238fe54810bcfb0cab396ff77afdd74ed0590029'
Mar 13, 2008
16 years 4 months * vocab.h: improve I() and F() macros (thanks to
Mar 10, 2008
16 years 4 months * set OSX 10.4 explicitely as deployment target, otherwise
Mar 5, 2008
16 years 4 months * removed entry about diff functionality in commit dialogs which already

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