
guitone All Updates

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Apr 22, 2006
18 years 3 months * updated README file to reflect the recent project changes
18 years 3 months * QMessagebox should have been QMessageBox
18 years 3 months * formatting fixes* formatting fixes
18 years 3 months * removed Makefile (this is autogenerated during build)
18 years 3 months * added Eclipse CDT project files (.project, .cdtproject)
Apr 21, 2006
18 years 3 months Cleand up includes from class SandboxView
Commit 119ce1392d93f3cdfdff0e51c12882464f1c8823, by
18 years 3 months Cleand up includes from class SandboxItem
Commit 43f40c49f3b986eea6874df092c8d15f466483a8, by
18 years 3 months Cleand up includes from class Sandbox
Commit 7782a3a2485b95bd522234477c2cdf55afce41aa, by
18 years 3 months Class Monotone switched to native QT4 QProcess
Commit bab209a8c8265285328b5daeae0b7bd2d2b24f0d, by
18 years 3 months Cleaned up include structure, switch to forward declarations
Commit f7b97f493d90987e5c44cc5439621d041b93f7a0, by
18 years 3 months Removed unused pointer to logWindow
Commit a2a800f6a149c31182f6237bcc3826a660ae9000, by
18 years 3 months Replaced Q3FileDialog with new QT4 QFileDialog
Commit dd2f0c30aa939d2e4e6d25b8991ce87645fb069f, by
18 years 3 months Replaced Q3MenuBar with new QT4 MenuBar
Commit 04473a466ebe306ba7ded861530df5fd460ed525, by
18 years 3 months Initial changes for QT 4
Commit f250b82ad2fdf0d203f81f1e6e33bf5bcf29eaa7, by
Apr 20, 2006
18 years 3 months src/model/Monotone.cpp: applied Ingos patch which improves the parseLineFromStdout method
Apr 6, 2006
18 years 3 months [c] corrected date
18 years 3 months [+] initial commit

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