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Sep 5, 2010
13 years 10 months fix a warning in the project file from Qt 4.7
Aug 2, 2010
13 years 11 months The open prompt is deleted right away, so we cannot re-use it when
Jul 29, 2010
13 years 11 months Rework the source picker so that it is only used for server connections
13 years 11 months register MonotoneHandlePtr in Qt's meta type system
13 years 11 months Two bugs fixed: at first indexIn() returns -1 for invalid matches, 0
Jul 28, 2010
13 years 11 months * OpenPrompt.cpp: disable / enable the dialog when one of the recent
13 years 11 months * GuitoneStandalone.cpp: explicitely delete the prompt the next time
13 years 11 months * OpenPrompt.cpp: prevent invalid re-signalling of changed items in
Jul 9, 2010
14 years 17 days - shorten mtn:// URIs by appending a shorter key id in brackets at the end and ommitting the mandatory mtn://
Jul 8, 2010
14 years 18 days * MonotoneHandle.cpp: move the code to query the default database
Jul 7, 2010
14 years 19 days - Rewrite the loader / checking code in the standalone application and
14 years 19 days add a tooltip for the host field
14 years 19 days make the key part non-optional for now
14 years 19 days * MonotoneHandle.h/cpp: enable support for server authentication by
Jul 5, 2010
14 years 21 days * add support for 12.x interface versions
Jun 7, 2010
14 years 1 month If an empty handle is used to start the stdio process, we still need
14 years 1 month Search'n'Replace error
14 years 1 month * MonotoneHandle.h/cpp: cache the usage of the queried default database
Jun 6, 2010
14 years 1 month It compiles, but works imperfect. Open problems:
Jun 3, 2010
14 years 1 month More compilation fixes... still not there.

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