Comment 1 by Francis Russell, Dec 3, 2010
I too have noticed strange issues with syncs between 0.99 and 0.48 and the two seeming to have differing opinions on what to sync. I'm mentioning it here as it seems to be related. In particular, when using 0.48 with the new upstream repository, I've had it pull ~25 revs and ~6800 certs and had none hit the database. Also, when syncing one of my own projects, I've mtn report nothing was synced, yet seemingly have managed to transfer new certs. I was wondering if you could double check that nothing was synced rather than monotone simply saying it wasn't?

Comment 2 by Jeff Rizzo, Dec 3, 2010
Not sure how to check this more than this: the db I was transferring to was empty (I had just created it) and after the sync attempt still had no revisions. I just now opened the db with sqlite3, and the 'revisions' and 'revision_certs' tables were empty.

Comment 4 by Richard Levitte, Mar 20, 2011
Not sure what to say about this... looking at the typescript, absolutely nothing is transfered, because the two ends seem to agree there's nothing to transfer... It would have been nice to see a similar transcript for the server end. Question: if the same server-side database is used with monotone 0.48 as server on a different platform, do you still have the same problem? (could it be a mac port issue)

Comment 5 by Jeff Rizzo, Mar 20, 2011
I can no longer duplicate this issue. I'm really not sure what the problem was, but I'm performing the same steps and actually getting the revision across this time. (Same database, same server binary, possibly different 0.99.1 client binary) I suppose this can be closed. Sorry for the noise.
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Reported by Jeff Rizzo, Nov 29, 2010