
Issue 158: automate stdio documentation doesn't make it clear that packets may be split

Reported by Daniel Atallah, Mar 29, 2011

It looks like automate stdio will break "packets" (by 
default) on 32kB boundaries, but that doesn't seem to be mentioned 
in the documentation.

I think it would be ideal if the documentation mentioned that the 
main stream (or any other stream, I suppose) can have the command 
output split into several packets.

The web documentation also doesn't currently mention the 
"--automate-stdio-size" option as a way to control the 
maximum size of these packets.

Output of `mtn version --full`:
monotone 0.99.1 (base revision: 
Running on          : Linux 2.6.35-25-generic #44-Ubuntu SMP Fri Jan 
21 17:40:44 UTC 2011 x86_64
C++ compiler        : GNU C++ version 4.3.2
C++ standard library: GNU libstdc++ version 20080905
Boost version       : 1_40
SQLite version      : 3.5.9 (compiled against 3.5.9)
Lua version         : Lua 5.1
PCRE version        : 7.6 2008-01-28 (compiled against 7.6)
Botan version       : 1.8.9 (compiled against 1.8.9)
Changes since base revision:
format_version "1"

new_manifest [c1270158b7fa91abf8235ad129b0476943bde1ed]

old_revision [8973482283db7c36780dce2b54721ccc0f5b7388]

  Generated from data cached in the distribution;
  further changes may have been made.

(this is the "official" statically linked binary)

Comment 1 by Stephen Leake, Aug 5, 2012

fixed in a5069e0bb3a21e55cf056153132964ce0fc07214
Status: Fixed

Created: 13 years 10 months ago by Daniel Atallah

Updated: 12 years 6 months ago

Status: Fixed

Followed by: 1 person


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