Reported by Unknown User, Feb 15, 2006
(This entry was imported from the savannah tracker, original location: monotone does not handle external program failure (segfault, etc) in merge hooks and keep going on merge or update. It causes serious loss of data as content of locally modified files is lost after merge. monotone version: ----------------- monotone 0.26pre2 (révision de base : abf72a8cdcd87ed016594d1bcb230854a38ef3a3) En cours d'exécution sur : Linux 2.6.15-1-powerpc #2 Fri Feb 3 00:12:55 UTC 2006 ppc
Created: 18 years 10 months ago by Unknown User
Status: New
Labels: Type:Incorrect Behavior Component:Hook Functions Priority:Medium
Reported by Unknown User, Feb 15, 2006