
Issue 96: SQLite 3.7.3 breakage

Reported by Thomas Keller, Oct 16, 2010

Steps to reproduce the problem:

$ mtn ls vars

Expected result:

Database variables

Actual results:

mtn: fatal: error: null result in query: SELECT domain, name, value 
FROM db_vars
mtn: this is almost certainly a bug in monotone.

Output of `mtn version --full`:

monotone 0.99dev (base revision: 
Running on          : Darwin 9.8.0 Darwin Kernel Version 9.8.0: Wed 
Jul 15 16:55:01 PDT 2009; root:xnu-1228.15.4~1/RELEASE_I386 i386
C++ compiler        : GNU C++ version 4.0.1 (Apple Inc. build 5490)
C++ standard library: GNU libstdc++ version 20050421
Boost version       : 1_44
SQLite version      : 3.7.3 (compiled against 3.7.2)
Lua version         : Lua 5.1
PCRE version        : 8.10 2010-06-25 (compiled against 8.10)
Botan version       : 1.8.10 (compiled against 1.8.10)
Changes since base revision:
format_version "1"

new_manifest [c679fc930e31daba26c09dc437f950a0d7fe7d78]

old_revision [104f634f6a14e8e085ba5c89d8b95d16ae5b62c4]


This seems to be a runtime-only problem, i.e. it doesn't matter that 
mtn is compiled against 3.7.2 for the problem to pop up. The 
invariant in fires, because a column we're trying 
to fetch returns a NULL result:

// value is NULL
const char * value = \
  (const char*)sqlite3_column_blob(i->second.stmt(), col);

I'm not sure why this is the case and I cannot take on this right 
now. I hope I can evaluate the problem more in detail later on.

Comment 1 by Thomas Keller, Oct 18, 2010

Ok, I debugged into this and the easiest way to reproduce the 
problem in 3.7.3 is to do

$ mtn db init -d
$ mtn db set foo foo "" -d
$ mtn ls vars

The empty value column is returned as "" (zero-length 
string) in sqlite 3.7.2 and 3.6.23 (and possibly other versions 
which used to work), but as 0 in 3.7.3.

According to sqlite's docs ( this seems to be 

  The return value from sqlite3_column_blob() for a 
  zero-length BLOB is a NULL pointer."

but apparently was broken in earlier versions (or the paragraph has 
just been added for 3.7.3).

I'm now trying to find out whether there is a valid error case for 
which sqlite3_column_blob() also returns 0 and if not, our error in should probably laxed and the null pointer handled 

Comment 2 by Timothy Brownawell, Oct 21, 2010

As best I can tell, it only returns zero for empty blobs and NULLs. 
So the following should work (committed as 

# old_revision [97939c9677047b36beef031cce4c1896849a987c]
# patch ""
#  from [0afa3ff4bd9c9ee3bc62b10bcf6295a9f5388d64]
#    to [8bfff559a0894259fe3668294bd3906ae837129b]
---	0afa3ff4bd9c9ee3bc62b10bcf6295a9f5388d64
+++	8bfff559a0894259fe3668294bd3906ae837129b
@@ -1531,12 +1531,19 @@ database_impl::fetch(results & res,
       vector<string> row;
       for (int col = 0; col < ncol; col++)
+          // We never store NULLs, so we should never see one.
+          int const datatype = 
sqlite3_column_type(i->second.stmt(), col);
+          E(datatype != SQLITE_NULL, origin::database,
+            F("null result in query: %s") % 
           const char * value = (const 
char*)sqlite3_column_blob(i->second.stmt(), col);
           int bytes = sqlite3_column_bytes(i->second.stmt(), 
-          E(value, origin::database,
-            F("null result in query: %s") % 
-          row.push_back(string(value, value + bytes));
-          //L(FL("row %d col %d value='%s'") % nrow % col 
% value);
+          if (value) {
+            row.push_back(string(value, value + bytes));
+          } else {
+            // sqlite3_column_blob() returns null for zero-length
+            I(bytes == 0);
+            row.push_back(string());
+          }
Status: Fixed

Comment 3 by Thomas Keller, Oct 21, 2010

Many thanks Tim for the fix! I got some clarification from Richard 
Hipp on the issue in the meantime:

> There were cases in 3.7.2 and earlier where 
> sqlite3_column_blob() would return a NULL pointer
> for a zero-length blob.  And this was documented.
> But the behavior was inconsistent, which seemed wrong.
> So we modified it to do the same thing every time.

Apparently we always go a zero-length blob back and thought this was 
the correct behaviour. Sadly, this change wasn't mentioned under - maybe it will be in the 

Created: 14 years 4 months ago by Thomas Keller

Updated: 14 years 4 months ago

Status: Fixed

Followed by: 1 person


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