Comment 1 by Stephen Leake, Dec 24, 2010
Similarly, 'mtn log --last 10' gives the 10 most recent revs, but there is no way to reverse the listing order for that.

Comment 2 by Stephen Leake, Dec 24, 2010
If we had a selector designating the root of the tree (say 'R:', complementary to h:), then we could say that '--to defaults to the root', and 'log --from R: --to w: would give the reverse order from the default 'log'. But for reversing 'log --last 10', the only solution is an explicit '--reverse'. Hmm. we could do 'log --from p:p:p:p:p:p:p:p:p:w --to w:', but that's not very practical. Maybe 'p10:w:'? At the same time, the listing order for 'mtn log -r today' is only partially defined, in the presence of several heads.

Comment 3 by Richard Levitte, Dec 25, 2010
The way it's currently implemented, the only way to get reverse order is to use --next. Basically, --last and --next are the options that define order, and they do so from the starting point, --from. I agree with you that it would feel more intuitive to have --from and --to define the order of the listing. I sure would like to see that kind of change, say, in monotone 2.0 (I think it's a little too late for 1.0). That would also mean that we could throw away --next and --last in favor of what you suggested, --limit. About finding that 10th parent, couldn't we have another composite selector, could be called 'nth' (I've played a lot with Lisp, mmm'k? ;-)), that takes a number as first argument, the rest being selectors. It would give revisions that are that number of 'steps' away from the selectors it was given. Positive numbers could go forward in history while negative numbers could go backward in history. In that case, the reverse of 'mtn log --last 10' could be expressed like this: mtn log --from 'nth(-10;w:) --to w:

Comment 4 by Richard Levitte, Dec 25, 2010
Oops, missed a single quote there, that last possible command should have been this, just to clarify: mtn log --from 'nth(-10;w:)' --to w:

Comment 5 by Thomas Keller, Feb 21, 2011
Sounds like a nice feature.
Type:Feature Request
Type:Incorrect Behavior
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Reported by Stephen Leake, Dec 24, 2010