
Issue 136: Unhandled runtime error when second server instance starts on occupied port in TIME_WAIT status

Reported by Thomas Keller, Jan 22, 2011

This was reported by Hugo Cornelis on a Linux machine; I could not 
reproduce that on Mac OS X, so this is just for the record right 

Steps to reproduce the problem:

1) Start a server
2) Connect to this server with a client and close the connection
3) Check that the socket is still in TIME_WAIT status
   (netstat -an | grep 4691)
4) Try to start another server on the same port

Expected result:

mtn: network error: bind(2) error: Address already in use

Actual results:

mtn: fatal: std::runtime_error: network error: listen(2) error: 
Address already in use
mtn: this is almost certainly a bug in monotone.

Output of `mtn version --full`:


Comment 1 by Thomas Keller, Jan 30, 2011

Summary: Unhandled runtime error when second server instance starts on occupied port in TIME_WAIT status

Created: 13 years 10 months ago by Thomas Keller

Updated: 13 years 10 months ago

Status: New

Type:Incorrect Behavior

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