Comment 1 by Thomas Keller, Sep 6, 2011
This smells a lot like http://bugs.exim.org/show_bug.cgi?id=1136. Peter, I don't have a PCRE 8.13 handy atm - could you apply the attached patch and check if this makes PCRE happier? (Feel free to adapt the regex further.) If not, we might have to rule out 8.13 specifically...
- issue-179.diff - 1.26 kB - view

Comment 2 by Markus Wanner, Apr 22, 2014
I saw that very test fail on Gentoo Hardened as well, but it looks like a slightly different cause. Peter, can you please try a current snapshot on Gentoo (non-hardened)?
Owner: markus
Owner: markus
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Reported by Peter Volkov, Sep 4, 2011