
Issue 179: monotone-1.0: netsync_bind_opt test FAIL

Reported by Peter Volkov, Sep 4, 2011

During preparation of 1.0 package of monotone in Gentoo I've found 
following test fail:

386 netsync_bind_opt                              FAIL (line 13) 
0:02, 0:00 on CPU

func.log is in attachment.

Comment 1 by Thomas Keller, Sep 6, 2011

This smells a lot like 
Peter, I don't have a PCRE 8.13 handy atm - could you apply the 
attached patch and check if this makes PCRE happier? (Feel free to 
adapt the regex further.)

If not, we might have to rule out 8.13 specifically...

Comment 2 by Markus Wanner, Apr 22, 2014

I saw that very test fail on Gentoo Hardened as well, but it looks 
like a slightly different cause. Peter, can you please try a current 
snapshot on Gentoo (non-hardened)?
Status: Accepted
Owner: markus

Created: 12 years 10 months ago by Peter Volkov

Updated: 10 years 3 months ago

Status: Accepted

Owner: Markus Wanner

Followed by: 1 person


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