
Issue 208: ml_gobject.c: conflicting types for 'g_value_get_variant'

Reported by J Doe, Apr 24, 2012

Steps to reproduce the problem:

1. ./configure && make #version monotone-viz-1.0.2
2. make fails with error attached

Expected result:
Make should run fine on my Slackware64

Actual results:
(outputs attached error)
ml_gobject.c:292:14: error: conflicting types for 

Output of `mtn version --full`:
mtn not found because make failed

Comment 1 by Thomas Moschny, May 13, 2012

Try to build using a system-wide installed lablgtk instead:

$ ./configure --without-local-lablgtk && make

You can test wether the system-wide installation is ok using:

$ ocamlfind query lablgtk2

Comment 2 by Thomas Moschny, May 13, 2012

(Reposting the comment, because email notifications were disabled)

Try to build using a system-wide installed lablgtk instead:

$ ./configure --without-local-lablgtk && make

You can test wether the system-wide installation is ok using:

$ ocamlfind query lablgtk2

Comment 3 by J Doe, May 22, 2012

Sorry; I went from Slackware to Debian... fresh reinstall.

Created: 12 years 3 months ago by J Doe

Updated: 12 years 2 months ago

Status: New

Followed by: 1 person


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