
Issue 22: cvs_import still produces wrong data on branch (continuation from 13032 and 13063)

Reported by Unknown User, May 25, 2005

(This entry was imported from the savannah tracker, original 

Since anonymous users cannot add comments, I've to create yet 
another bug.

Graydon's last patch fixes the specific test case I provided in 
13032, but there are more problems when importing my archive.  I 
attach an archive sufficient to reproduce the problem.

As before, unpack the sources, then import the content of the subdir 
e into a new monotone repository.  Then check out the sources:

mkdir temp
cd temp
tar jxvf PATH/TO/e.tar.bz2
monotone --db=test.db db init
monotone --db=test.db genkey foo
monotone --db=test.db --branch=foo cvs_import e
monotone --db=test.db --branch=foo.disasm-branch co t
diff -u asm-tst3.c t/tests/asm-tst3.c

The last diff shouldn't lead to any output, but it currently does.  
What is stored on the branch is the initial revision, not verison on 
the branch in the ,v file.

Removing the src/Attic/objdump.c,v file fixes the problem (that's 
the difference to the older test case where the objdump.c,v file 
isn't present).

objdump.c,v is a new file which does not exist on the trunk.

monotone version:
monotone 0.19 (base revision: 
Running on: Linux 2.6.11-1.1312_FC4 #1 Sat May 14 16:19:42 EDT 2005 
Changes since base revision:

new_manifest [a4d09e6b6d2f1c1f5581a898999453d20cdfe610]

old_revision [0dad47afa920a307999d13eda117836b15cd4d82]
old_manifest [8146b47ed2dfb9683de6b1cee336137c4952ad5b]

patch "monotone.spec"
 from [1619421422b66900ee8324ed77c7c82f34d0752d]
   to [2205c40a59d237624645180c169f1cc69874bb31]

patch "po/monotone.pot"
 from [85997f09b04320ce8cbc0972e57a3fbfb5be38da]
   to [cd8977f1c85b566a25c4720ea4daef9c140c643c]

  Generated from data cached in the distribution;
  further changes may have been made.

  Generated from data cached in the distribution;
  further changes may have been made.

  Generated from data cached in the distribution;
  further changes may have been made.

Comment 1 by Unknown User, May 25, 2005

added attachment e.tar.bz2

Comment 2 by Unknown User, Jun 12, 2005

I have just downloaded a fresh copy of monotone, and it seems like 
this problem has been fixed.  Here is the version information for 
what I'm running

bash-2.05b$ monotone --full-version
monotone 0.19 (base revision: 
Running on: Linux 2.6.11-gentoo-r8 #2 SMP Mon May 16 17:32:33 Local 
time zone must be set--see zic  i686
Changes since base revision:

new_manifest [52a617d908ac6c4bb5b837ce5306f75155dc59ef]

old_revision [168adf9537ff136c9b7fe7faad5991f92859390d]
old_manifest [a9ee1d741b855fdcc0d038d64d913cef70da72f5]

patch "po/monotone.pot"
 from [10e6d7cbad87eaa0dbe35c803cafa371567f024b]
   to [0465f6ac8d09fac5938ac067747b179aca677b67]

  Generated from data cached in the distribution;
  further changes may have been made.

  Generated from data cached in the distribution;
  further changes may have been made.

  Generated from data cached in the distribution;
  further changes may have been made.

  Generated from data cached in the distribution;
  further changes may have been made.

Here is the output when I ran the demo that you posted with this bug:

bash-2.05b$ tar jxvf ../e.tar.bz2
bash-2.05b$ monotone --db=test.db db init
bash-2.05b$ monotone --db=test.db genkey foo
monotone: generating key-pair 'foo'
enter passphrase for key ID [foo]:
confirm passphrase for key ID [foo]:
monotone: storing key-pair 'foo' in database
bash-2.05b$ monotone --db=test.db --branch=foo cvs_import e
enter passphrase for key ID [foo]:
monotone: [branches: 2] [versions: 9]
monotone: phase 1 (version import) complete
monotone: [branches: 2] [finished branches: 3] [finished edges: 5] 
[versions: 9]building branch foo.disasm-branch
monotone: phase 2 (ancestry reconstruction) complete
monotone: [branches: 2] [versions: 9] [written revisions: 1]
monotone: verifying new revisions (this may take a while)
monotone: [branches: 2] [versions: 9] [written revisions: 5]
monotone: phase 3 (writing revisions) complete
bash-2.05b$ monotone --db=test.db --branch=foo.disasm-branch co t
bash-2.05b$ diff -u asm-tst3.c t/tests/asm-tst3.c
bash-2.05b$ ls

perhaps if you get the latest version of monotone, that could help.  
If I did something wrong in attempting to reproduce your bug, could 
you mail me at with what I did wrong and/or a 
new demo that produces the bug on the new version?  Thanks!

Comment 3 by Unknown User, Jun 13, 2005

the precise bug in question has been solved, but there is actually a 
much more subtle follow-on bug which has been identified here.

essentially the root of the remaining problem (which is not reported 
in this BTS but which I've received in private email) is that 
monotone's CVS importer uses "best current" knowledge 
about a commit, while processing each file, to infer the global 
commit points. this means that if monotone processes files A and B, 
in order, and B contains information which would help disambiguate 
commits in A, the information is not used, because it is already 
finished consulting file A. ultimately this leads to lower-fidelity 
imports than we would like.

the solution is simply to collect the information in a non-condensed 
form first, analyze it globally across the entire repository, and 
*then* condense it into individual commits. this is, note, how 
cvs2svn works (I've been studying it today); but it requires quite a 
bit of rewriting, so it will be a couple weeks before I can 
confidently say positive things about this bug.

please leave this bug to me. I will stay on it until it is fixed.

Created: 19 years 9 months ago by Unknown User

Updated: 19 years 8 months ago

Status: New

Type:Incorrect Behavior
Component:Storage System

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