
Issue 37: Expanded automate command set

Reported by Thomas Keller, Mar 4, 2006

(This entry was imported from the savannah tracker, original 


I'm currently working on a Qt-GUI for monotone, named 
"guitone". Well, this is not very far as of now, but I'm 
working on it quite hard to get something reasonable out there.

To communicate with monotone I wrote a wrapper around "monotone 
automate stdio", with which I can do basic things like checking 
the inventory (and the state of each item). Now, to do more advanced 
things like adding/dropping/renaming/committing items I can't use 
"automate" at all since the functionality does not exists 
in the interface yet. I could, of course, use the normal UI 
functionality to do these things, but

a) these are (will be?) language dependent and hard to parse therefor
b) I don't like to built two wrappers, one for stdio and one for all 
other calls...

So it would be really, REALLY nice if the automation interface would 
reflect the actual command set available through monotone, or, as a 
starting point, at least those things which are most-often used.


Comment 1 by Thomas Keller, Jan 14, 2011

This is a work-in-progress task, i.e. new stuff is added on demand, 
but we don't track that in this ticket.

In the meantime guitone gathered add / drop / revert support by 
simply executing the userland commands. I still might want to fix 
that some day, but its not high priority.

Marking as fixed since some commands (update, checkout, ...) have 
been implemented in the meantime.
Status: Fixed
Owner: ---

Created: 18 years 11 months ago by Thomas Keller

Updated: 14 years 1 month ago

Status: Fixed

Component:Command Line UI
Type:Feature Request

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